Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2 Months

Zaiden is now 2 1/2 months and he had his checkup yesterday. He is growing like a weed and becoming quite the little chunk. He now weighs 12 lbs 8 oz and is 24 inches long. The doctor said he looks fantastic and is quite strong for his age.
He is doing great, only waking up once in the night and has been for at least the past month. I had to stop eating dairy and now he much happier.
I also recently had to go back to work, SO HARD. But he is in good hands with his Aunt Sarah and spending his days with his cousin Kai, so its much harder on me than him.
Here are some recent pictures of my chunk a monk

Karen and Jess came to visit and meet Zaiden

Playing with Brody

Sitting up like a big boy for a second

Daddy and Zaid watching the Superbowl

Me and my little man

Add Image Trying to capture his cute smile

Sweet sleeping baby

I love this face

Just recently started enjoying playing with no clothes on
Other things about Zaid:
Loves sleeping on his tummy when I let him
He still has all his hair which I absolutely love
He talks to us so much... oooh and ahhhh all the time
He smiles all the time
He holds his head up great
He is a snuggler and always likes to be held, he is spoiled
Hates the bath still but is getting much better


Alesha said...

Oh my heck time flies! I swear he was just born! he is still SO handsome!

Lisa said...

He is so beautiful! I can't believe how big all these babies are getting. And so quickly too.